Electronics Manufacturing Service

Utilizing a wide variety of our parts' procurement capabilities, we can handle everything from the concept to structure, inspection, packing, and shipping.

Utilizing a wide variety of our parts’ procurement capabilities, we can handle everything from the concept to structure, inspection, packing, and shipping. Please consult with us for the production of small orders which can’t be provided by other companies.

  • 民生機器関連Consumer equipment
  • 医療・車載関連Medical&automotive
  • 産業機器関連Industrial equipment


Introduction of EMS business field: Partner factory (T Company)

Consumer equipment field

High accuracy implementation, high density implementation
  • High frequency related
    6~8 layer substrate
  • TV outlet related
    Automatic soldering / automation line
  • Mobile phone related
    Heteromorphic component implementation / flex board
  • In-house product planning
    Development design

Industrial equipment field

Small lot variety, long life support
  • Semiconductor equipment related
    Cleanroom correspondence
  • Equipment implementation related
    Variable variant correspondence
  • Machine tool related
    Double-sided implementation DIP / retrofit
  • Electric power related
    High reliability

In-vehicle, medical and security

Improvement of quality and productivity
  • Automotive related
    Small split substrate / Lead wire solder
  • Medical related
    Traceability / quality assurance
  • Security related
    Special certification / Traceability
  • Amuse related
    Short delivery time / Vertical launch

See details (PDF file)

※Japanese text only.

EMS / ODM case: Partner factory (T Company)

All design and development of both software and hardware are discussed and decided within the group.

Operation board (semiconductor implementation device)

This creates and edits the operating status of the main unit, error information, and implementation data.

Loader controller

Material supply loader controller for machine tools

Interface BOX

I / O controller of the main unit and peripheral unit. Clean room specification.

Digital automatic voltage regulator relay

Products for electric power organizations. Digitally monitor and control power transmission.

Personal computer loaded type sequencer

Programmable sequencer of PCI bus type. Input 96 points, output 64 points, 8 axes control of NC axis (MAX)

Communication unit

Communication unit for semiconductor device. (Device net standard) Cleanroom specification.